What is the cost of the transfer to Peterhof?

St. Petersburg to Peterhof Taxi Fare image
Fixed taxi fare in Saint Petersburg. Peterhof transfer tariff calculated per car with no additional charges and always provided in advance.

The taxi service from or to Peterhof in St. Petersburg can cost anything between 350 RUB (5 EUR) and 15 000 RUB (200 EUR). It all depends on how well you're prepared before your trip. Do yourself a huge favor and find more information and testimonials on the relevant websites and ask for a bit of advice from fellow travelers. Taking the cheapest option is fine, but remember: the car will be old and small and the quality of the driving skills will be very much questionable. Please remember that many tourists have experienced a taxi scam and paid exorbitant amounts for transfers.

Our rates are not the cheapest but very fair for "Meet-and-Greet" service by English-speaking drivers in St. Petersburg. Book your taxi and transfers in advance and be driven by the local professionals.

Comfort (SUV): 1-4 passengers and 6 luggage: 40 €
Minivan (minibus): 1-6 passengers and 6 luggage: 70 €
Executive (Mercedes-Benz S500L): 1-3 passengers and 3 luggage: 80€

We gladly offer the following payment options:
  • Cash: EUR, USD, RUB
  • Online card payment
  • PayPal
The card payment link will be sent only when and if the booking is confirmed.
Online card payments in Russian Ruble only.

Book your St. Petersburg Peterhof Taxi Transfer in Russia